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Abused dog reunited with hero who rescued her

Today was a very special day for one formerly abused dog who was left in a cage all day to starve. Her name was Sam Sam (now Sophie) and she’s accomplished so much these past few months thanks to a hero who rescued her and a family who cared.

Sam Sam wasn’t fed by her owners and had broken teeth from trying to break out of her cage. The case is ongoing for justice for this sweet girl, but in the meantime she lives with a loving family who thinks the world of her. She has gained her weight back and she’s a happy, normal dog. Today her milestone was celebrated at a party in the park that included cake and friends!

Sophie was even reunited with the man who saved her, Rick Salisbury. He received a tip about her abuse in May and wasted no time in rescuing her. From there the amazing vets at Pinewoods Animal Hospital brought her back to health. Here she is pictured with her mom and dad and her hero, Rick.

There may be bad in this world, but there’s so much more good. Thank you to these amazing individuals for showing Sophie true love and happiness.

Severely abused dog saved in North Tonawanda thanks to dog control officer and police

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