Do you see this sweet dog here? He might not be alive for much longer if it wasn’t for a hero who rescued him today. The poor pup was found emaciated and freezing, tied to a telephone pole. The kind hearted person who found him was driving and saw him lying on the side of the road. She was shocked when she realized he was tied to the pole.
According to a source, the dog was shivering, his bones were sticking out, and he had a bloated belly. He smelled horribly of feces and he couldn’t stand properly. The angel who picked him up thinks he was left in a little cage where he couldn’t move, so it stunted his growth. His nails are yellow, which is a sign of him standing in his feces constantly.
Hamburg Mutts has now taken this pup under their wings and he is being rushed to the Village Veterinary Clinic of Hamburg. His name is now Benjamin. They are praying he is not in too bad of shape, but they will make sure they do everything they can for him. Any donations are appreciated for Benjamin. Paypal is (send to friends please, so no fees are taken out) or to Hamburg Mutts, P.O. Box 713 Derby, NY 14047.
We will keep everyone posted on his condition!