Tracy Thiel of Buffalo has been waiting a very long time for a miracle…a new heart. Tracy has been battling end stage heart failure because she was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and tetrology of fallot, a rare condition caused by a combination of four heart defects. Well last night she received the call she’s been waiting for.
Tracy and her partner Daniel flew on a private jet to Pittsburgh for the transplant. While getting a heart transplant is stressful enough, one of the biggest concern’s for Tracy was who was going to take care of her elderly father who she is the sole caretaker of. Well, a local Buy Nothing group on Facebook said no fear! When they heard that Tracy, a complete stranger to them, was in need of help, the members decided to organize meals for Tracy’s father and take care of his cat.
This had to have been a huge relief to Tracy. As you know, a new heart won’t wait for anyone. Once Tracy received the call, she had to rush to get on the plane and didn’t have time to say goodbye to her father.
To know that perfect strangers were there to help during her time of need must have been so comforting.
“We are a tight group and take care of our neighbors. Her dad needs aid services and Tracy will too when she gets home from her heart transplant. I know that services are available but staff is not, so we are trying to set up aide-type services too. We have a meal train set up, pet care schedules and we’re working on laundry now,” said Kimberly Clark Harrison, a member of the Buy Nothing Facebook group.
Tracy’s partner shared on Facebook that Tracy’s heart is in and she is doing well.
If you would like to make a donation to help Tracy while she recovers, you may do so here:
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