“In short, my dad’s mom passed when he was 11 years old, so he was raised by a single parent that was a Buffalo School teacher. His sister was also a school teacher, so when he started in this business in 1971 and realized he could help educators in early 1972, they became the foundation of our business. 51 years later, we simply want to give back and thank them for all they do,” said Pat Sgroi, President of Sgroi Financial.
Fast forward to today, Sgroi Financial is still a proud local supporter; assisting over 3,000 teachers, educators and other school employees from over 100 school districts with their 403(b) plans.
You can nominate a teacher here: https://sgroifinancial.com/pencil-project-promotion/
Entrants must teach in one of the eight Western New York counties.
Thank you to our friends at Basil Toyota & Basil Volkswagen for helping us in our mission to share stories that make a difference.