In April we shared the good news that Sophia the Fierce Inc. won Cellino Plumbing’s annual Truck Wrap Contest on News 4 and this Saturday the truck will finally be revealed!
With the truck comes a $25 donation from every tune-up and so far $7,500 has been raised for Sophia the Fierce to support their mission of helping children battling pediatric cancer in memory of 9-year-old Sophia Benintende.
The lemonade stand will feature a cornhole tournament, bubble show, pony rides and petting zoo, face painting, hair braiding, rescue puppies, kids games and more!
Come on out to Main-Transit Fire Hall Pavilion in Williamsville from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17 with the kids to enjoy the fun and support children battling pediatric cancer and their families.
Thank to our friends at Basil Toyota & Basil Volkswagen for helping us in our mission to share stories that make a difference.