This week’s theme in the Sweet Buffalo Rocks group was “Celebrities” and Marcy Basile was voted “Rock of the Week” with her amazing Tom Petty and Marilyn Monroe handpainted rocks!
Here’s how the talented artist found out about Sweet Buffalo Rocks!
“I post photography on Instagram quite often and I had seen a couple mentions of people starting to find painted rocks around Buffalo. I thought it was really neat, but did not realize there was a “movement” until I went hiking with my boyfriend and the kids in Amherst State Park. His 9-year -old daughter found a pink rock (her favorite color) in a creek bed there. We read the Facebook instructions on the back and went there to discover the local groups.
Before this I was looking into geocaching as something fun that we could all do together. We were excited to paint and share our rocks however…I thought this was just a perfect way to combine creativity and getting out and enjoying nature…while also spreading kindness to others in such a simple way. It’s mostly me and her painting, but her teenage brothers sometimes pick up a rock or two and start painting – that always makes me smile inside! I would also add that I find it quite therapeutic and relaxing for myself…I like to paint at night when all is quiet & still. ☺️
I can’t believe how much the Sweet Buffalo Rocks group has grown in just the few weeks since we’ve joined. It’s inspiring and contagious to read others’ posts and to see a community of people brought together with a shared excitement and passion! I love that anyone of all ages and skill levels can share in this…each and every rock created is unique and beautiful! I’m really not sure which is more fun…creating, hiding, finding rocks…or seeing a photo posted of a smiling face holding their newly found treasure. I thought we would paint and hide a few and that would be it…but we’re still going strong – it’s very addicting!”
Thank you, Marcy, for bringing your talents and kindness to the group! If you would like to join Sweet Buffalo Rocks on Facebook, visit