Remember our story last week on a small group of Western New Yorkers who were on a mission to collect “750 Cases for Naples?” Well, they came very close today and packed up a truck filled with 527 cases of water for those affected by Hurricane Irma.
How awesome is that?
The group was also able to collect nonperishable food, diapers, wipes, dog food, teddys, and more!
Mercedes Wilson, David Bowes and Kati Edwards organized the drive. Wilson said the guys are now on the road to drop off at two locations, Naples and Immokalee.
The group would like to make a special thank you to Refuge Temple of Lockport, Life by Design Architecture, Tres Jolie Maison, Medina Hospital, WUFO, Shining Stars Daycare, Feel Rite and WBBZ TV.
“Thank you to everyone who took time to drop off cases at the drop off locations,” said Wilson. “We also received a $200 donation to give to Meals of Hope for cleaning supplies that they need. WE accomplished something big together. More pics to come as the guys deliver!!! Safe travels to the Daves”
This just goes to show that all it takes is a small group of people to make a BIG difference. Way to go, everyone!