Twelve-year-old Aaron Jahna of Wolcott, N.Y. was diagnosed with AML leukemia (a cancer of the blood and bone marrow) on June 29, 2017. He had three rounds of chemo and had a bone marrow transplant from an anonymous donor from Europe.
He was in remission until April of 2018 when the cancer came back in full force. Aaron then had to endure two rounds of outpatient chemo and it progressed through both rounds. He had to do one round in Rochester and another round at St. Jude in Memphis, Tenn. When it was time for another bone marrow transplant, his mom stepped up to be his donor. He’s been in remission ever since.
“Every day is a different day,” said Yolonda Principio, Aaron’s mom. “Sometimes he’s OK about it and then there’s times where he’s not OK about it. There was a point in time when he had his whole funeral planned out.”
Aaron is now adjusting back to life with his family and sisters, ages 17 and four. Yolonda says her son is definitely strong. He’s always been very bright and while he’s not into sports- he loves video games.
“He’s more of a computer kid. He loves electronics, he loves Nerf gun wars,” she said.
We were told by a friend that Aaron would love nothing more than a huge Smart TV (50-inch and up), so he can play his Playstation and Nintendo Switch games. The young man has been through so much and we would love to make this happen for him, but we need your help! If you know someone who may be able to donate a new television to Aaron – please let us know – or you can make a donation here: Just say for Aaron’s TV.