A 15-year-old North Tonawanda High School student did the bravest thing today. She swallowed her pride and took to Facebook to ask for help for her family.
Elizabeth Davila and her family moved to North Tonawanda three years ago. They were so grateful to find a home here because they love the community so much. Sadly, the Davila family has fallen on hard times as Elizabeth’s mom has suffered from multiple heart attacks and can no longer work. The family is currently living in a motel. Elizabeth explained her situation and asked if anyone had any recommendations for apartments because she doesn’t want to leave North Tonawanda.
“I moved here with my mom, stepdad and sister from Florida. I began school here at North Tonawanda High School. Things seemed to be going well for awhile. However things got bad and my mom has had two heart attacks and can’t work. My stepdad has been taking care of the family and doing all he can. Come this week Friday, we have to leave the motel we are at because our savings left. Mom got help from DSS and is gonna get Belmont help with the rent. Before you judge me, I am still wearing the sneakers my mom got me last year from Walmart for $5. I don’t have any game systems or anything a normal teenager has. My mom has taught me to live with and without luxuries. However, I don’t want to leave NT. So anyone who can help us find a place to rent, no more than 700, please let us know.”
This post tugged at everyone’s heartstrings in the North Tonawanda community and we are now raising funds for Elizabeth and her family. Please PayPal any donations to sweetbuffalo716@aol.com by choosing the family and friends option so no fee is taken out of your donation: www.paypal.me/SweetBuffalo.
With Elizabeth’s mom’s permission already, we will be using the funds to buy Elizabeth and her sister some new shoes, clothes, gift cards for Uber so they can get around, and funds to help with a security deposit. Elizabeth’s mom says she’s amazed and grateful that her daughter reached out for help.