You may remember a Hamburg business owner’s plea to the community to help keep his business running. Joe Tempski, owner of Canvas and Cheers, a WNY paint and sip business he started from scratch after losing his position at Paint Nite when the franchise left Buffalo, was having a hard time getting the word out. He decided to make an emotional Facebook post about his plight of which we shared and now he’s happy to say business is going very well!
“I want to give everyone an update on how things have been going… as you know, I was recently on the verge of giving up. But I’m so happy to say that things are actually going pretty good now. I’m optimistic moving forward and certainly couldn’t have succeeded without the help and community support I received. Thank you so much!”
Canvas and Cheers is now running a contest to win a beautiful painting to thank everyone for their support. Visit Canvas and Cheers on Facebook to enter! And while you’re at it, give the business a “like” and “share!”
For more information on Canvas and Cheers, visit