Today we received devastating news. Our sweetest friend Anastasia Rafter of Niagara Falls who is battling a brain tumor isn’t doing well. Right before Christmas she was rushed to the emergency room and then to NYU in NYC. Her mom, Lene’e Gray, posted an update and is asking us all go pray. Pray hard for the strongest girl we know so that she may continue to fight.
Anastasia’s Army Facebook page
“Yesterday, we were faced with the hardest question yet. Do we stop all interventions and let her pass or we could take her to the OR and try to remove some tumor. Stopping intervention would likely mean she has at most, a week left. Surgery is a risk with lots of uncertainty.
We waited to see how the night went to make our final decision. Ana has led us to each decision this far and as I layed there with her, pleading her to help me decide, to just show me a sign, that’s what she did. During the night, Ana started waking up more and more. She opened her eyes and sat up. Then she said exactly what I needed to hear and I just knew. She muttered “help me.”
She is in surgery now. I have no idea what to expect. Everything is so unknown. If surgery is successful, it will only buy her 4-6 weeks. We will start chemo next week. Unfortunately, Ana has used all chemo options in the past so we will have to recycle them. This time, they will try a different combination. This next month is crucial. These next hours are crucial. I’ve never been one to pray, but I haven’t stopped. I’ve been begging God to let me keep my baby. I need her to make it.“
We love you, Anastasia and we are praying. If you would like to make a donation that we will give to Anastasia’s family, you may do so here: