Christian Schaer of Orchard Park was diagnosed with cancer when he was only 3 years old. Thankfully he is now cancer-free, but since he missed out on a lot when he was supposed to be enjoying life as a kid, his parents try their very best to make it up to him.
They often go on fun trips as a family – making lots of memories, and just recently, Christian got the Christmas surprise every child dreams of – a puppy!
“Christian has had a hard time in school for awhile and my husband and I said let’s get a puppy and see if this will help him,” said Rene Schaer, mom.
But when Christian’s parents first let the puppy come around the corner, his reaction was priceless.
“Am I dreaming?” he asked as he said hello to his new best friend.
The family named the German Shepherd puppy, Slade, and it’s safe to say these two are crazy about each other.