A local family is doing something very special to make their son smile for his birthday and they are asking for the community’s help.
Preston Miller of Tonawanda is turning 13 years old. He is autistic and has never wanted a birthday party before until the other day when he surprised his family by asking for one. Sadly due to to COVID-19 they had to tell Preston that this just wasn’t possible. His parents said he took the news well and understood, but that hasn’t stopped them from moving to an awesome Plan B!
Preston LOVES dogs so his dad, Gary, put out a call to his friends on Facebook for help with a birthday parade for Preston that includes pups!
“Alright everybody….I need some help from my Facebook friends. Preston’s birthday is 2 weeks from tonight. Yesterday he asked (for the first time ever) to have a party. We had to explain to him that was not possible this year. He understood but was crushed. So I am thinking about having a car parade at 6:00 that night. If I could get 25 cars, that would be awesome. And he loves dogs, so you are encouraged to bring your dogs for the ride. Signs and balloons also encouraged. I believe we will have a police escort. The whole thing should take about 15 minutes, but he (and I) will never forget. We would meet at the Tonawanda High School parking lot, which is at the end of my street. If you are interested, please let me know. Thanks.”
Gary said since he made that post the response has been overwhelming. He already has 100 cars ready to line up and says the more the merrier! Participants are asked to line up at 5:45 p.m. Monday, April 20 at Tonawanda High School. The family lives at 265 Rogers so cars will travel from the high school down to Preston’s street! Please text Gary at 716-903-1283 if you plan to join the fun and make Preston’s birthday extra special!