Rikki Cason of Lockport was wondering why there were cop cars sitting outside of a home near her house for several days. But when she found out why, she was touched.
“For the last week, police officers, anywhere from Lockport to Buffalo have been sitting outside this house around the corner from me. It’s been bugging me as to what was happening, so I looked into it and it’s the house of the mother of Officer Craig Lehner who passed away. Around the clock, police officers sit in front of the house. I think it is really nice that they are giving up their time to do this.”
City of Lockport Police Chief Mike Neithe confirmed that the Buffalo officers were sitting outside of the home and have been for several days.
“His mother’s house has a strand of blue lights up the post of the home for him, as does a neighbor. Lockport residents have also been placing blue pumpkins around the city in honor of Officer Lehner and his mom,” said Cason.
They say being a police officer is being part of a brotherhood, and there’s no better example of sticking by each other’s side than this.