During a dark and difficult time, one young man named Antonio Gwynn Jr. is bringing hope and light to Buffalo. Here’s the story.
“I was driving down Bailey on my way to the store after the riots. I observed a young man sweeping up piles of garbage. I took some pictures, looped around, and asked who he was working for. He informed me he rented a truck and was doing this out of the kindness of his own heart. After speaking with him more in depth, I learned he is 18 and a soon-to-be graduate of Hutch Tech with aspirations of going to college. If we can pay for his books, a MacBook, or at least one semester of college for this brave young man, his generosity and kindness will be the change we wish to see in the world.”
– Nicole Hopkins
From what we’re being told, Antonio started cleaning by himself at 2 a.m. There was nothing to do when others came to help at 8 a.m.
“Antonio is a former student of MJD Futures Preparatory School BPS #37…when I saw this this morning my heart was overwhelmed with emotion. He is a wonderful young man, often returning to his elementary school to volunteer for events, to say hello, and to read to the younger students. I along with the rest of our MJD Futures family cannot be more proud of him for what he did last night and this morning. More people should follow his example!!!” – Meghan Benimoff
God bless you, Antonio.
Update. The GoFundMe page was closed after reaching its goal but we still want to help Antonio. You can donate here: https://www.facebook.com/100015185470059/posts/583117458871098/?d=n.