Eileen O’Neil is only 6 years old, but she already knows the meaning of paying it forward.
Eileen is a Girl Scout who like many of her friends has the opportunity to sell cookies ever year to benefit the organization. While that’s a lot of fun, she also wanted to do a little cookie purchasing of her own – and for a good cause.
Last year Eileen bought eight boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to give to heroes at Mercy Flight WNY.
“She said she wanted to give them the cookies because ‘they help people,'” said Jessica O’Neil, mom.
Eileen remembered learning about them at a fire company’s open house and was amazed at what they do.
“She just wanted to say thank you,” added mom,
This year Eileen hopes to donate cookies to another important organization, but she’s not sure which one. She’d love it if the community could help with suggestions. Let us know in the comments!
And if you’d like to order a box to help Eileen donate to a local charity, PM Jessica Finch O’Neil on Facebook or email jessica.oneil81@gmail.com.