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Birthday car parade to be held for boy battling cancer, community invited

Desmond Benimoff is a very special little boy who is turning 7 in a few weeks and his mom would like to make it a very special day for him. He has been battling leukemia like a warrior for the past year.

Mom, Meghan Benimoff. is throwing him a Birthday Car Parade and the community is invited to help make it a beautiful day.

“He has been super mature about everything that is going on, so I just want to make this as memorable as possible,” she said.

The parade will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 23 at Green Lake Park, located at N. Lake Drive in Orchard Park. We have invited local superheroes, but if you know of fire companies and police stations that might like to take part please help us reach out to them! The more heroes to brighten his day, the merrier!

For questions to make arrangements to make the parade special for Desmond, you can call or text his mom, Meghan, at 917-538-3493.

You can view the event here and let mom know you’re coming:

On National Superhero Day, Orchard Park mom honors son battling leukemia: ‘He’s definitely my favorite superhero’

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